
Showing posts from May 20, 2012

What Do You Do?

I was recently at a gathering when a stranger walked up to me and asked, "What do you do?"  I know she was just trying to be friendly and start a conversation, but I stood there like a deer in the headlights wondering how to answer.  I know she was asking me what my profession was but it made me start thinking about how we are judged by what we "do" as a living instead of "who" we are.  For example, if a grocery clerk and the president of a Fortune 500 Company were both introduced to you, which one would you consider more impressive?  Credentials do not equal character and they do not define a person.  Sadly, many people think they do.  Too many define their worth by the initials behind their name.  I have nothing against education and I encourage everyone to continue to learn all life long. But  I have always thought in terms of "who" instead of "do".  I do not believe that people should be categorized by what they "do"...