The Flying Dentures
It was Easter Sunday and the attendance was more than usual at our little country church. We could always count on the church being full on Easter and Christmas. This particular morning, Mildred got to church early. She had worn her best dress and cleaned up "real good". Mildred was a wonderful old hill woman. I say that affectionately and with no prejudice. She was one of those "what you see is what you get" people. So many try to impress others or pretend to be something they are not. However, that was not the case with Mildred. She always looked on the bright side of things. No matter how bad things were, she would say, "things could be worse." Like many people in the area, she had the unfortunate experience of having all her teeth removed and was fitted with a set of dentures. It was disappointing to her that they did not fit her quite right. This particular Easter morning her teeth were very u...