
Showing posts from December 10, 2017

Our Constitution - Worth Having, Worth Defending

The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of our land and is the shield of democracy under which Americans govern themselves as a free people.  It establishes the form of the United States Government and the rights and liberties of the American people.  But this great document did not drop down like a scroll from heaven.  The men who wrote the Constitution were the men who fought the Revolution.  They had watched a weak emergency government almost lose the war.  They framed the constitution in order to remedy evils which threatened the bring our country to the verge of anarchy.  The Constitution made the United States a nation. Our forefathers thought of civil and personal liberties as the inherent or natural rights which were securely possessed by men before governments were organized.  Because of their experiences with rulers and governments which violated the principles of liberty, the writers of the Constitution were care...