Sin - Like A Cancer Grows
Many years ago, a friends husband had a discoloration appear on his back. She told him to go to the doctor and have it checked out. Like many men, he said it was no big deal and ignored it. However, it continued to grow and worsen and my friend continued to try to convince him to go have it seen by their doctor. Yet he resisted. Finally, there came a day when he happened to see their doctor for another matter. While he was there, he told the doctor about his wife nagging him about this "thing" on his back. The doctor took one look and immediately knew it was a very serious melanoma and sent him to a specialist. Although treatment was administered, it was too late and my friend's husband died. Perhaps the story would have ended differently if only he had agreed to seek medical attention at the first sign of trouble. I believe that is what it happening in churches all over the world. We notice something that is wrong but we do no...