
Showing posts from September 16, 2012

Where Have All the Good Guys Gone?

This morning the phone rang at 7:30 am.  I was up but not really awake.  I am not a morning person and it takes me quite awhile to get fully awake.  The voice on the other end of the line was a friend who had borrowed my car for a few days.  She told me that the driver's side rear tire had blown out and she was sitting on the side of the road near the intersection of CH James Hwy and Florence in Hiram.  I quickly pulled myself together, jumped in my other car and headed her way.  It was pouring the rain and by the time I got there, a half hour had past.  I called for help and waited another hour for roadside assistance to show up. Now the reason I am even telling you this story is because during all that time, not one soul stopped to ask if any help was needed.  The traffic light at the intersection (about 100 feet from where she had pulled off the road) halted traffic every few minutes.  Once a couple of policemen were stopped adjacent to ...