No other God
"Thou shall have no other God before Me." Most of us - who have any age on us at all - remember being taught this when we learned the Ten Commandments. Unfortunately, nowadays, young people rarely even know any of the ten commandments. Lately, I have been pondering the reality of this commandment. I have been examining my life and finding that in spite of my desire to serve Christ, many "other" things have crept in and found a place of prominence. Many so called "Christians" are on the broad road living like the world while carrying the banner of Jesus. We all want to think we will go to heaven when we die but we don't want to live the way Jesus instructs us to while we are here on earth. The Bible is very clear that if we really love Jesus, we will do what he tells us to. Yet, how many of us are openly living in sin daily with no shame. We flaunt our sinful lifestyles and say that God understands our situation - as if in our case, sin i...