
Our Constitution - Worth Having, Worth Defending

The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of our land and is the shield of democracy under which Americans govern themselves as a free people.  It establishes the form of the United States Government and the rights and liberties of the American people.  But this great document did not drop down like a scroll from heaven.  The men who wrote the Constitution were the men who fought the Revolution.  They had watched a weak emergency government almost lose the war.  They framed the constitution in order to remedy evils which threatened the bring our country to the verge of anarchy.  The Constitution made the United States a nation. Our forefathers thought of civil and personal liberties as the inherent or natural rights which were securely possessed by men before governments were organized.  Because of their experiences with rulers and governments which violated the principles of liberty, the writers of the Constitution were care...

"D" Words

When you are down in the dumps, it's hard to see what you are missing in life.  You are in a dark place and your vision is limited.  I've been there more times than I like to admit.   Discouraged, depressed, down hearted ...and all the other "d" words that get you "down" have often filled my mind and the result is a dismal life.  But I've discovered a few other "d" words that has helped me tremendously.  They are decision, determination and destiny .  Our lives are made up of a lot of mini decisions.  The result of those decisions determine your destiny.  Every person has control of their own mind.  Even when you are held captive and coerced to do things you don't want to - your mind still belongs to you.  Nobody can think for you. Even when someone tells you what to do, you decide if you are going to do it or not.  Everything starts in your mind.  I have read stories of people who lived through the horrors of the holocaust an...
Kathy's husband has a bad habit of locking doors.  Every time he passes a door he locks it.  He has locked her out of the house while she was on the patio flipping burgers, or when she went to the garage to get a soda out of the extra frig they keep in the garage for drinks.  They have gone round and round about it but the last time he locked her out, they almost came to blows. It all started when several of Kathy's friends took her out for dinner to celebrate her birthday.  It was at a restaurant where on this special night they was karaoke and the staff coaxed Kathy to get up and dance when they sang to her.  Well, somehow, she twisted her foot while doing a little dance and when she sat down at the table she mentioned that she thought she had hurt her foot.  The girls were sympathetic but Kathy didn't seem to be hurting too bad so they finished eating and chatting.  When Kathy got up to leave and put her weight on her foot, she knew instantly th...

Pig Chase in the Wee Hours

We'd had a busy day and it was late by the time my husband and I fell into bed Saturday night. Sunday morning would come all too soon. It wasn't long after we had fallen asleep that our dog, Tilly, began to bark.  I heard her but was too tired to move and thought she'd probably settle down and go back to sleep in a few minutes.  However, she continued to bark...and bark...and bark.  Since my husband would sleep through a bomb going off, I finally crawled out of bed to see what was so important.  The door to our patio has a full length window which allowed Tilly to see whatever was making her bark her fool head off.  The hair on her back was standing straight up and her eyes were wild with fear.  I flipped the patio light on to see what had Tilly in such and uproar and discovered a big pig on my patio.  The pig looked annoyed with me for turning on the light.  I ran to the bedroom and woke my husband telling him I had seen a pig on our pa...

Depart From Me, I Never Knew You.......

When reading Matthew 7 today, I got hung up on verses 21-23.  "Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father Who is in heaven.  Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name and driven out demons in Your name and done many mighty works in Your name?  And then I will say to them openly, I never knew you: depart from me, you who act wickedly." As I pondered these verses, I wondered who would be those that would be sent away into eternal darkness and suffering.  It appears from the verses that these people thought they were saved and went about doing what they thought was good in the name of Jesus. As I meditated on the Word, I realized that many think they are saved but are basing it on a religious act .... such as the sinners prayer...or baptism....or simply good works.  They never really surrendered their whole heart to Jesus and willed to do His will. ...

New Beginnings

We have just started a new year and a lot of us are making resolutions.  But human nature usually comes in a ruins our good intentions.  We become distracted or bored or tired and we soon fall back into our old routines and changes that we wanted to make get put aside once again.  This morning the Lord reminded me that His mercies are new every morning.  He is a God of second, third, forth, etc chances.  He not only gives us a new year to start over, we can start over each month, each week, each day, hour, minute…as a matter of fact, we can start RIGHT NOW.  With each breath we take we can make the choice to change what ever we want.  We can begin NOW.  So do not be discouraged if on this 3rd day of the new year, you have already fumbled the ball or missed the mark.  You can start again this afternoon or this evening or tomorrow morning. And if you get derailed again, you have the power of choice to start again.   Just NEVER, NEVER, NEVE...

The Waiting Game

I love to sit around waiting for .....?......., said NO ONE EVER. I am flying to Atlanta today on a standby ticket.  That is an appropriate name for the ticket because I am "standing by" watching everyone else get a seat on the plane.   I like to be in control and have plans executed according to MY plan so I was a bit surprised when I didn't feel upset or frustrated when my name wasn't called to board.  I simply looked for a monitor to get the gate for the next flight.  My favorite pastimes are watching people and writing so I have something to occupy my time while I wait. In my bible study recently, I have been learning to be patient and wait on God.  This is the first time I have had to exercise my new knowledge.  It is wonderful to simply rely on God and trust in His way and His time.  I don't know why I am not getting on any of the departing planes but I know there is a reason and my times are in His hands.  It is comforting for me to...