New Beginnings

We have just started a new year and a lot of us are making resolutions.  But human nature usually comes in a ruins our good intentions.  We become distracted or bored or tired and we soon fall back into our old routines and changes that we wanted to make get put aside once again.  This morning the Lord reminded me that His mercies are new every morning.  He is a God of second, third, forth, etc chances.  He not only gives us a new year to start over, we can start over each month, each week, each day, hour, minute…as a matter of fact, we can start RIGHT NOW.  With each breath we take we can make the choice to change what ever we want.  We can begin NOW.  So do not be discouraged if on this 3rd day of the new year, you have already fumbled the ball or missed the mark.  You can start again this afternoon or this evening or tomorrow morning. And if you get derailed again, you have the power of choice to start again.   Just NEVER, NEVER, NEVER give up.  Then one day you will wake up and find that you have reached your goal!


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