Where Have All the Good Guys Gone?
This morning the phone rang at 7:30 am. I was up but not really awake. I am not a morning person and it takes me quite awhile to get fully awake. The voice on the other end of the line was a friend who had borrowed my car for a few days. She told me that the driver's side rear tire had blown out and she was sitting on the side of the road near the intersection of CH James Hwy and Florence in Hiram. I quickly pulled myself together, jumped in my other car and headed her way. It was pouring the rain and by the time I got there, a half hour had past. I called for help and waited another hour for roadside assistance to show up.
Now the reason I am even telling you this story is because during all that time, not one soul stopped to ask if any help was needed. The traffic light at the intersection (about 100 feet from where she had pulled off the road) halted traffic every few minutes. Once a couple of policemen were stopped adjacent to us and yet neither of them showed any concern for us at all. I remember a time when men were chivalrous and when a lady was in distress at the side of the road, they would stop and help. I was beginning to get quite upset until I realized that there probably aren't many men out there who even know how to change a tire anymore. And the police were probably in a hurry to get to the donut shop. Besides, did I mention it was raining? I am sure no one wanted to be inconvenienced or get their clothes damp.
It saddens me that our lives are so busy that very few people even notice what is going on around them. I remember a time when knowing who your neighbors were was a given. People cared about each other and they helped each other. With all our technology in this day and age, you'd think people would be more in tune with each other but I fear reality is quite the opposite. More and more I see that we are living in a self absorbed society. No one cares about much of anything unless it relates directly to them. I know this all started with a tire blow out but as I sat with my friend at the side of the road, I thought of all the lonely, hurting people in the world who need a smile, a little encouragement or a hand of hope. In a world full of indifference, there are still a few "good guys" left. They are sprinkled here and there among us. Next time you see someone in trouble, take the opportunity to be one of the "good guys" and show a little kindness. I want to be one of the "good guys" and I hope you do too.
Now the reason I am even telling you this story is because during all that time, not one soul stopped to ask if any help was needed. The traffic light at the intersection (about 100 feet from where she had pulled off the road) halted traffic every few minutes. Once a couple of policemen were stopped adjacent to us and yet neither of them showed any concern for us at all. I remember a time when men were chivalrous and when a lady was in distress at the side of the road, they would stop and help. I was beginning to get quite upset until I realized that there probably aren't many men out there who even know how to change a tire anymore. And the police were probably in a hurry to get to the donut shop. Besides, did I mention it was raining? I am sure no one wanted to be inconvenienced or get their clothes damp.
It saddens me that our lives are so busy that very few people even notice what is going on around them. I remember a time when knowing who your neighbors were was a given. People cared about each other and they helped each other. With all our technology in this day and age, you'd think people would be more in tune with each other but I fear reality is quite the opposite. More and more I see that we are living in a self absorbed society. No one cares about much of anything unless it relates directly to them. I know this all started with a tire blow out but as I sat with my friend at the side of the road, I thought of all the lonely, hurting people in the world who need a smile, a little encouragement or a hand of hope. In a world full of indifference, there are still a few "good guys" left. They are sprinkled here and there among us. Next time you see someone in trouble, take the opportunity to be one of the "good guys" and show a little kindness. I want to be one of the "good guys" and I hope you do too.
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