Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People...?
Why do bad things happen to good people. I have been asking myself that question lately. I have no answer but through hours of prayer and meditation on the Word, I have come to the conclusion that it is simply because we live in a fallen world and as long as we are here, we are going to encounter evil. No matter what we must endure here, it is nothing compared to an eternity separated from God in hell. Evil may triumph here and now but it is only temporal. Jesus won the victory over death and hell when he rose from the grave and those who put their trust in Him alone will have an eternal home in heaven with Him.
Our human feelings sometimes get the best of us. But always ask the question "what is the truth of this situation?" The truth always comes back to the fact that God is still on the throne. He loves us and has a good plan for our lives. He can take what the devil meant for our harm and turn into something wonderful and glorious. BUT, God's timetable is different than ours. We seem to think we need an answer RIGHT NOW to situations in our lives, and yet as I look back on my life, I see many times when I thought God had forgotten me only to realize that he was carrying me all along. His timing is perfect. Everything about Him is perfect. So all I need to do is trust Him completely in EVERY situation, even those situations that I don't understand.
Sometimes I forget who God is and focus on what he does. That is an easy ditch to fall into because of our desires. I always get into trouble when I start thinking about what I think God should be doing in any given situation instead of meditating on who He is. He already did what He needed to on the cross. And it is because of who He is that what He did was enough.
I don't understand why God allows so many Christians to suffer in this life but I know they do. And from reading the Bible, I know many believers have suffered through horrific things. Even throughout my lifetime, I have known of missionaries who left all they had and went to other countries to take the gospel to other nations only to be murdered. It doesn't seem right that God would let this happen when they were serving Him. Yet, it happens all the time. Sometimes in less dramatic ways but Christians are persecuted daily. We live in a sinful world surrounded by sinful people. It is hard to be a Christian, but I know that Heaven is wonderful and it's eternal and no matter how bad things are here, this is only temporal.
Our human feelings sometimes get the best of us. But always ask the question "what is the truth of this situation?" The truth always comes back to the fact that God is still on the throne. He loves us and has a good plan for our lives. He can take what the devil meant for our harm and turn into something wonderful and glorious. BUT, God's timetable is different than ours. We seem to think we need an answer RIGHT NOW to situations in our lives, and yet as I look back on my life, I see many times when I thought God had forgotten me only to realize that he was carrying me all along. His timing is perfect. Everything about Him is perfect. So all I need to do is trust Him completely in EVERY situation, even those situations that I don't understand.
Sometimes I forget who God is and focus on what he does. That is an easy ditch to fall into because of our desires. I always get into trouble when I start thinking about what I think God should be doing in any given situation instead of meditating on who He is. He already did what He needed to on the cross. And it is because of who He is that what He did was enough.
I don't understand why God allows so many Christians to suffer in this life but I know they do. And from reading the Bible, I know many believers have suffered through horrific things. Even throughout my lifetime, I have known of missionaries who left all they had and went to other countries to take the gospel to other nations only to be murdered. It doesn't seem right that God would let this happen when they were serving Him. Yet, it happens all the time. Sometimes in less dramatic ways but Christians are persecuted daily. We live in a sinful world surrounded by sinful people. It is hard to be a Christian, but I know that Heaven is wonderful and it's eternal and no matter how bad things are here, this is only temporal.
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